Title: The Chapel Wars
Author: Lindsey Leavitt
Publisher: Bloomsbury, 2014.
Pages: 292 p.
Source: VOYA
Compensation: None
Holly has always been the responsible hard working
grandchild, but it is still surprising when Grandpa Jim’s will leaves the 16
year old his wedding chapel. Equally as surprising is the letter she is
supposed to hand deliver to a boy who just happens to be the grandson of her
grandfather’s rival chapel owner and sworn enemy. Not at all surprising is that
Holly falls in love with Dax and the two must hide their Shakespearean romance
from their families.
Lindsey Leavitt has written a
funny, touching story of dysfunctional families and a loving grandfather’s last
attempt at fixing things. Holly is the perfect example of a leader. She makes
hard decisions for the company, even if they go against her personal wishes,
and she does so with strength and grace. She may be confused and lost on the
inside, but she still takes control of the family business and they trust her
decisions. A good mix of funny and sad, the romance is just enough to be
entertaining but not too much to overshadow the main story. Leavitt waits until
the very last page before revealing Grandpa Jim’s letter to Dax, a strategy
that works perfectly for our appreciation of the book. In a world of trilogies,
The Chapel Wars stands alone as a
funny, realistic, heartfelt novel that teens of all ages will enjoy.
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