The prince-frog needing a kiss from a princess is a classic story. The twist of Emma turning into a frog is a nice touch, but I was somewhat disappointed with this story. I think it's more of a juvenile or tween book than it is a teen book. I may have it classified incorrectly... there wasn't anything "wrong" with it, the writing was okay, it just felt like a teen book would have been a little deeper.
I think tween girls will love this book. It's a fairy tale with a fun twist. It's easy to read and has the appropriate amount of adventure, romance and magic.
Reading: Nothing yet
On My Nightstand: Stress Free For Good-Fred Luskin; In Control: No More Snapping at Your Family, Sulking at Work, Steaming in the Grocery Line, Seething at Meetings, Stuffing Your Frustration.--Redford Williams