The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books.
This week's question is:
"What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?"
I would love to have a constant babysitter so I can spend every minute of my day reading and not have to change diapers, feed children, do dishes & laundry, etc. Aside from that I'd also like an e-book reader. :-)
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Ah, babysitters...what a great idea! I can't complain too badly though. Only my four year old is at home during the day and he is content to sit by me while I read and the older kids help out when they get home so life isn't too bad!
The Delusional Diaries
I'm a new follower!
Thanks! Yeah, it could be worse. I could be stuck at work! *Shudder* I used to have "family reading time" and we would all sit and look at books independently. Now my 6 year old is in school, my 3 year old would be okay, but my 17 month old is a crazy table climber who doesn't know how to sit still for anything! Yay for naptime! :-)
Hi! I'm your newest follower from the Blog Hop and I'd appreciate if you followed back!
Hafsah @ IceyBooks
That's a good answer. Not having kids myself, I probably wouldn't have thought of that. But you're right. It would be handy to have!
Hello! Stopping by from the hop... I think an e-reader is one of those things that I want, but the amount of books I'd have to buy on it for it to be worth it is kind of a lot. SO I'M UNDECIDED.
my blog
I wish that I wouldn't have graduate class work to read. That totally takes up my time to read!
Just hoppin' on by to say "Hi!"
Oo..yes, like a live in nanny. That would be wonderful for me too!
Have a fangtastic Halloween!
Hopping by as your newest follower! I have a five year old and an 8 month old that is crazy active. I can relate to the hyper younger children :)
More time. If days were just 30 hours or we only required 4 hours of sleep, I could get to so much more.
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